Dr Levente MóróPhDCentre for Cognitive Neuroscience Department of Psychology Faculty of Social Sciences FI-20014 University of Turku, Finland Assistentinkatu 7, Publicum building, room 133 http://users.utu.fi/leve/ leve@utu.fi |
"Hallucinatory Altered States of Consciousness as Virtual Realities" |
forthcoming[Nov] Presentation: "Psychedelic support in clubs and festivals" . NIGHTS - Stadt Nach Acht - international conference on night economy, culture, urban development and health issues @ Berlin, Germany 2017[Oct] Presentation: "A mixed-methods analysis of online NPS user discussion in Hungary" . 5th International Conference on Novel Psychoactive Substances @ Vienna, Austria [Oct] Presentation: My PhD thesis presentation (in Hungarian) @ Budapest, Hungary [Oct] Public defense: My PhD thesis defense (in Finnish/English) @ Turku, Finland [Sep] Presentation: "A mixed-methods analysis of online NPS user discussion in Hungary" . [ESSD] European Society for Social Drug Research 28th Annual Conference @ Lisbon, Portugal [Sep] Poster: Experimental depersonalization/derealization by Salvia divinorum as a model of altered consciousness . #DrugScience2017 Conference - Research, practice and global change in 21st century drug science @ Campus Charité Mitte, Berlin, DE [Aug] Q&A: "Ask about psychoactive drugs and drug use! (Party drugs, designer drugs, psychedelics drugs)". Sziget festival, Sziget Beach, Cökxpôn Chill Garden @ Budapest, Hungary [Aug] Talk: "Recent Developments in Psychedelic Research". Samsara festival, Yoga Village @ Siófok-Töreki, Hungary [Jul] Publication: Kaló, Z., Móró, L., Demetrovics, Z., & Felvinczi, K. (2017). A mixed-methods analysis of online NPS user discussion in Hungary. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 24(4), 340-347. doi: 10.1080/09687637.2017.1327571 [Jul] Submission: "Hallucinatory Altered States of Consciousness as Virtual Realities" [PhD thesis] [Jul] Attended: Breaking Convention 2017 Biennial conference on psychedelic consciousness @ University of Greenwich, London, UK [Jun] Presentation: "Harm Reduction of Novel Psychoactive Substances" . Mediterranean Neuroscience Society 6th Conference 2017 @ St Julian's, Malta [May] Presentation: "Spirituality and Self-Knowledge of Psychedelic Drug Users" . "New approaches, new possibility: psychedelics in psychotherapy" conference by Slovenian Society of Biopsychologists @ Koper, Slovenia 2016[Dec] Attended: "Breaking the Drug Cycle" EU project end meeting @ Budapest, Hungary[Dec] Presentation: "A 2016. év történései hazai ÚPSZ-használók online közösségeiben [Happenings of 2016 within New Psychoactive Substances communities in Hungary]" (in Hungarian) . Hungarian Drug Focal Point / Early Warning System / New Psychoactive Substances forensic experts meeting @ Budapest, Hungary [Dec] Attended: "Változó Képletek – ÚJ(abb) szerek: kihívások, mintázatok, megoldások [Changing Formulas - NEW(er) drugs: challenges, patterns, solutions]" (in Hungarian) 16 videos. Hungarian Association on Addictions (MAT) conference @ Budapest, Hungary [Nov] Presentation: "Harm reduction related to legal issues at international festivals" . EMCDDA 5th extended Reitox network meeting: "Drugs and recreational settings / open air music festivals" @ Lisbon, Portugal [Nov] Presentation: "New Psychoactive Substances in Hungary and Europe" . Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of Psychology @ Budapest, Hungary [Oct] Presentation: "Problem Drug Use and New Psychoactive Substances: Hungary" [expert presentation] . EMCDDA Trendspotter meeting of national experts @ Lisbon, Portugal [Oct] Roundtable: "Beszélgetés a Pszichedelikumok Magyar Kutatóival [Discussion with Hungarian Psychedelic Researchers]" (in Hungarian) video (2:14:14). Drogriporter film club @ Budapest, Hungary [Oct] Roundtable: "Dark side of Psychedelics" video (52:14) [with Teri Krebs, Roland Griffiths, and Simon Green]. Beyond Psychedelics 2016 conference @ Prague, Czech Republic [Oct] Presentation: "Crisis Intervention at Psychedelic Festivals" & video (17:52). Beyond Psychedelics 2016 conference @ Prague, Czech Republic [Sep] Presentation: "Spirituality and Self-Knowledge of Psychedelic Drug Users" & "Crisis Intervention at Psychedelic Festivals" . Entheo-Science conference @ Berlin, Germany [Aug] Working: Psychedelic harm reduction Team Leader at Kosmicare (Boom Festival, Portugal). [Jul] Presentation: "Spirituality and Self-Knowledge of Psychedelic Drug Users" . Czech Psychedelic Society event @ Brno, Czech Republic [Jun] Presentation: "Crisis Intervention at Psychedelic Festivals" video (25:00) (by DrugReporter). [Stichting OPEN] Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelic Research (ICPR) 2016 @ Amsterdam, Netherlands [May] Presentation: "NPS on the Net: Producers, Importers, Dealers, and Consumers" . 4th International Conference on Novel Psychoactive Substances @ Budapest, Hungary [Apr] Presentation: "LSD, varázsgomba, ayahuasca: A pszichedelikus szerek gyógyászati és terápiás lehetőségei" [LSD, magic mushrooms, ayahuasca: Medical and therapeutical potential of psychedelic drugs] (in Hungarian) . Mensa HungarIQa @ Budapest, Hungary [Apr] Interview: "Üssön a szer, hogy elfeledkezzenek a nyomorról [Let the drug hit, to forget adversities]" (in Hungarian) . Heti Világgazdaság (HVG), 2016. április 16. (pp.383-384) @ Budapest, Hungary 2015[Dec] Presentation: "2015 UPSZ-történései & dizájnerdrog-felmérési adatelőzetes [New Psychoactive Substances - happenings in 2015 & survey preliminary data]" (in Hungarian) . Hungarian Drug Focal Point / Early Warning System / New Psychoactive Substances forensic experts meeting @ Budapest, Hungary[Nov] Presentation: "New Psychoactive Substances" @ Tiszta Jövőért Közhasznú Alapítvány, Budapest, Hungary [Nov] Presentation: "Spirituális útkeresés - az énkép változása a DMT, a psy zene, és a közösség tükrében" [Searching for spiritual path - transformation of self-image by DMT, psy music, and community] @ Self Groove jótékony est 02, MÜSZI, Budapest, Hungary [Oct] Presentation: "Online drug user-led harm reduction in Hungary: a review of “Daath”" @ 2015 International Harm Reduction Conference, Parallel 54: "Internet, Unternet and Harm Reduction" @ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia [Oct] Lecture: A pszichedelikumok terápiás lehetőségei [The therapeutic potential of psychedelics]" (in Hungarian) . University of Pécs, Medical School @ Pécs, Hungary [Oct] Presentations: (1) "Psykedeelibileet ja festivaalit: haittojen vähentämisen kenttätyökokemuksia [Psychedelic parties and festivals: harm reduction field experiences]" (in Finnish) & (2) "Muuntohuumeet: Haittojen vähentämisen uusia keinoja [Designer drugs: new measures for harm reduction]" (in Finnish) @ A-klinikkasäätiön Terveysneuvontapäivä 2015, Helsinki, Finland [Aug] Presentation: "Introducing psychedelic harm reduction: The Manual of Psychedelic Support" @ Evolver Lab @ Lost Theory Festival, Deringaj, Gracac, Croatia [Jul] Presentation: "Assessing serious evil: bioethical issues of drug control" video (28:04) + interview. Breaking Convention 2015 Biennial conference on psychedelic consciousness @ University of Greenwich, London, UK [Jun] Roundtable: "Psychedelics and Spirituality" book launch event of Dr.Csaba Szummer video of roundtable (1:19:52) (in Hungarian) + video of discussion (39:24) (in Hungarian) @ RS9, Budapest, Hungary [Jun] Presentation: "A herbál/UPSZ-jelenség keresleti, kínálati és szabályozási oldalai" [Synthetic cannabinoids and New Psychoactive Substances: supply, demand, and regulation] (in Hungarian) . Conference of Hungarian Addiction, Drug Therapy, and Harm Reduction NGOs @ Budapest, Hungary [Apr] Book chapter: Frecska, E., Móró, L., & Wesselman, H. (2015). The Soul Cluster: Reconsideration of a Millennia-Old Concept. In G. Hancock (Ed.), The Divine Spark: Psychedelics, Consciousness, and the Birth of Civilization (pp. 244-270). [Mar] Lecture: "A pszichedelikumok terápiás lehetőségei [The therapeutic potential of psychedelics]" (in Hungarian) . University of Pécs, Medical School @ Pécs, Hungary [Feb] Presentation: "Pszichedelikus ártalomcsökkentés [Psychedelic harm reduction]" (in Hungarian) + video (38:01) . Vírus Pszicho event @ Kolor, Budapest, Hungary [Jan] Book chapter: Oak, A., Holden, B., Harwood, E., Gonçalves, J., Stagni, K. S. d., Móró, L., Ponté, L., Carmo Carvalho, M., Nielsen, S., & Mishor, Z. (2015). A History of Psychedelic Care Services. In A. Oak, J. Hanna, Kaya, S. Nielsen, Twilight & Z. Mishor (Eds.), The Manual of Psychedelic Support (1st ed., pp. 19-36): Psychedelic Care Publications. 2014[Dec] Presentation: "NPS: The situation in Hungary and harm reduction in Europe" . New Psychoactive Substances in Europe - NPS among Problem Drug Users - Towards Effective and Comprehensive Health Responses in Europe / DPIP project 2nd work meeting / invited NPS expert presentation @ Amsterdam, Netherlands[Dec] Presentation: "A hazai UPSZ-piac a keresleti és kínálati oldalról [Domestic NPS market from demand and supply sides]" (in Hungarian) . Hungarian Drug Focal Point / Early Warning System / New Psychoactive Substances forensic experts meeting @ Budapest, Hungary [Nov] Presentation: "Psychedelic Harm Reduction: DÁT2 Psy Help Team" . NEW Net "NIGHTS2014" workshop @ Paris, France [Oct] Publication: Móró (2014) Harm reduction of novel psychoactive substance use - [postprint ]. In G. R. Potter, M. Wouters & J. Fountain (Eds.), Change and Continuity: researching evolving drug landscapes in Europe (pp. 36-50). Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers. [European Society for Social Drug Research (ESSD) 2014 book]. doi: 10.13140/2.1.1695.9683 [Aug] Working: Psychedelic harm reduction Team Leader at Kosmicare (Boom Festival, Portugal). [May] Presentation: "Novel Psychoactive Substances: New Measures for Harm Reduction" . 3rd International Conference on Novel Psychoactive Substances @ Rome, Italy. [Mar] Presentation: "UPSZ-ártalomcsökkentés: Piac, Problémák, Praktikák [Novel Psychoactive Drugs: Markets, Problems, Practices]" (in Hungarian) . Conference of Hungarian Addiction, Drug Therapy, and Harm Reduction NGOs @ Budapest, Hungary. 2013[Oct] Publication: Móró, L., & Rácz, J. (2013). Online Drug User-Led Harm Reduction in Hungary: A Review of "Daath". Harm Reduction Journal, 10(18). doi: 10.1186/1477-7517-10-18[Sep] Presentation: "Psychedelic Harm Reduction: Psy Help Manual" (2013) NIGHTS 2013 - Health, Pleasure and Communities conference @ University of Padova, Italy [Jul] Presentation: "Psychedelic Harm Reduction and Beyond: Support Services at Festivals" [abstract ] (2013) Breaking Convention 2013 Biennial conference on psychedelic consciousness @ University of Greenwich, London, UK [Jun] Publication: Móró, L., Simon, K., & Sárosi, P. (2013). Drug use among sex workers in Hungary - [postprint ]. Social Science & Medicine, 93, 64-69. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2013.06.004 [May] Publication: Salminen-Vaparanta, N., Vanni, S., Noreika, V., Valiulis, V., Móró, L., & Revonsuo, A. (2013). Subjective characteristics of TMS-induced phosphenes originating in human V1 and V2 - [technical supplement ]. Cerebral Cortex. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bht131 [May] Grant: University of Turku, Graduate School - UTUGS [May] Grant: University of Turku, Faculty of Social Sciences [Mar] Presentation: "[New Psychoactive Subtances and Harm Reduction]" (in Hungarian) (2013) [EMCDDA National Focal Point] "Planning and Evaluation Prevention Programs" meeting @ Budapest, Hungary 2012[Dec] Publication: Móró, L. (2012). Enteogén egyházak: szakramentális vallások vagy drogos szekták? [Entheogenic Churches: Sacramental Religions or Druggie Sects?] - [postprint (in Hungarian) ]. In G. Kendeffy & R. Kopeczky (Eds.), Vallásfogalmak sokfélesége [Multiplicity of Religious Concepts] (Vol. 5, pp. 198-204). Budapest: Károli Könyvek & L'Harmattan.[Dec] Talk: "The History of Psychedelics" & "Contemporary Psychedelic Research" @ CÖKXPÔN RestArt, Budapest, Hungary [Nov] Presentation: "In Dialogue with Drug Users: A Basis for Innovative Prevention and Harm Reduction Methods - Case: DAATH.HU" (2012) [ChEckiT!] ReDUse_12 conference: New Aspects and Developments in Recreational Drug Use @ Vienna, Austria [Oct] Abstract: "Assessing serious evil: bioethical considerations of drug control" (with Imre Bárd) [abstract ] (2012) "Under Control?" International conference on the history of alcohol and drug regulation @ London, UK [Oct] Presentation: "Opportunities of Drug User Group Involvement in Hungary" (in Hungarian) (2012) [MADÁSZSZ] NGO conference: Self-caring - A Need for Change and Renewal @ Budapest, Hungary [Oct] Presentation: "Why Psychedelics? A Comparison of Psychoactive Drug Use Purposes" (2012) [Stichting OPEN] Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelic Research (ICPR) @ Amsterdam, Netherlands [Aug] Working: Psychedelic harm reduction Team Member at Kosmicare (Boom Festival, Portugal). [Jul] Poster: Móró L.: "Depersonalization Disorder (DPD) - A Model System for Consciousness?" . Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC) 16th annual meeting @ Brighton, UK [May] Grant: Signe and Ane Gyllenberg Foundation [Apr] Grant: Emil Aaltonen Foundation [Apr] Attended: [Hungarian National Focal Point] Reitox workshop: Exchange on data collection challenges related to new psychoactive substances use @ Budapest, Hungary [Mar] Presentation: "Novel prevention and harm reduction models: drug users' point-of-view" (2012) [EMCDDA-ReDNet] Novel Psychoactive Substances conference @ Budapest, Hungary [Feb] Submission: Móró L. (submitted). Consciousness Research and Buddhism. GBC conference proceedings. [Jan] Attended: [NIAS] Looking Within: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Consciousness international conference @ Bangalore, India 2011[Dec] Publication: Móró L., & Noreika, V. (2011). Sacramental and Spiritual Use of Hallucinogenic Drugs - [postprint ]. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 34(6), 319-320. doi: 10.1017/S0140525X11000768[Nov] Presentation: "Consciousness Research and Buddhism" (2011) [Asoka Mission] Global Buddhist Congregation, Science & Technology section @ New Delhi, India [Nov] Presentation: "Entheogenic Churches: Sacramental Religions or Druggie Sects?" (in Hungarian) (2011) [Karoli University] "Multiplicity of Religious Concepts" conference @ Budapest, Hungary [Oct] Publication: Noreika, V., Jylhänkangas, L., Móró L., Valli, K., Kaskinoro, K., Aantaa, R., ... Revonsuo, A. (2011) Consciousness Lost and Found: Subjective Experiences in An Unresponsive State. Brain and Cognition, 77(3), 327-334. doi: 10.1016/j.bandc.2011.09.002 [Aug] Publication: Móró L., Simon, K., Bárd, I., & Rácz, J. (2011). Voice of the Psychonauts: Coping, Life Purpose, and Spirituality in Psychedelic Drug Users - [postprint ]. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 43(3), 188.198. doi: 10.1080/02791072.2011.605661 [Apr] Attended: Breaking Convention - A Multidisciplinary Conference on Psychedelic Consciousness conference @ University of Kent, Canterbury, UK [Mar] Presentation: "Daath.hu: Nine Years of the Hungarian Psychedelic Community" (in Hungarian) (2011) [MSPS] "Psychedelics in 21st Century Culture and Medicine" conference @ Budapest, Hungary [Mar] Publication: Móró L., Noreika, V., Kallio, S., & Revonsuo, A. (2011). Hypnotizability, Sleepiness, and Subjective Experience - [postprint ]. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 59(2), 211-224. doi: 10.1080/00207144.2011.546220 [Feb] Presentation: "Designer Drugs: User Experiences and Harm Reduction" (in Hungarian) (2011) [EMCDDA National Focal Point] "Designer Drugs" conference @ Budapest, Hungary [Jan] Publication: Frecska, E., Móró L., & Wesselman, H. (2011). The Soul Cluster: Reconsideration of a Millennia Old Concept - [preprint ] World Futures: Journal of General Evolution, 67(2), 132-153. doi: 10.1080/02604027.2010.532464 [Jan] Co-founding: Hungarian Multidisciplinary Society for Psychedelic Studies (MSPS) [Jan] Report: Móró, L. & Iszáj, F. (2011) Mind Altering Science conference report (in Hungarian) @ Addiktológia 2010(IX), 4, 323-326. 2010[Dec] Report: Móró (2010) ESSD 21 conference report (in Hungarian) @ Addiktológia 2010(VIII), 3, 239-242.[Oct] Attended: [Stichting OPEN] Mind Altering Science conference @ Amsterdam, Netherlands [Sep] Presentation: "New Synthetic Drugs: Always One Step Ahead?" (2010) [ESSD] European Society for Social Drug Research 21st Annual Conference @ Dubrovnik, Croatia [Sep] Lecturing: "Módosult tudatállapotok [Altered States of Consciousness]" (in Hungarian) - special course at the Dharma Gate Buddhist University @ Budapest, Hungary [Sep] Membership: European Society for Social Drug Research (ESSD) [Jun] Publication: Móró L. (2010). Hallucinatory Altered States of Consciousness [postprint ]. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 9(2), 241-252. doi: 10.1007/s11097-010-9162-2 [Jun] Presentation: "The Dream Catcher Project: Searching for Dreams in EEG" (2010) Dreaming and Its Relation to Natural and Pathological Alterations of Consciousness international workshop @ Turku, Finland [Apr] Presentation: "Autognosis, Life Quality, and Spirituality in Psychedelic Drug Users" (2010) [MAPS] Psychedelic Science in the 21st Century conference @ San Jose, CA, USA [Mar] Attended: MIND Group meeting @ Beatenberg + Zürich, Switzerland [Feb] Attended: [NDI/MAT] Drug research and drug policy conference @ Budapest, Hungary [Feb] Attended: [ELTE PI] Addictology conference @ Budapest, Hungary [Jan] Presentation: "Interdisciplinarity in Studying Altered States of Consciousness: A Bio-Psycho-Socio-Spiritual Framework?" (in Hungarian) (2010) Hungarian Cognitive Science Society 18th annual conference @ Budapest, Hungary 2009[Sep] Lecturing: "Módosult tudatállapotok [Altered States of Consciousness]" (in Hungarian) - special course at the Dharma Gate Buddhist University @ Budapest, Hungary[Aug] Attended: Nordic-Baltic Network meeting @ Helsinki, Finland [Jun] Poster: Móró L., Noreika, V., Kallio, S., & Revonsuo, A.: "Hypnotic Susceptibility, Sleepiness and Subjective Experience" . Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness 13th annual conference, Berlin, Germany [Apr] Presentation: "The Virtual Realism of Hallucinatory Altered Consciousness" (2009) Hallucinations in Cognitive Science and Philosophy colloquium @ Descartes University, Paris, France 2008[Oct] Presentation: "Altered States of Consciousness" (2008) Transpersonal Psychology conference @ Károli University, Budapest, Hungary[Sep] Attended: Nordic-Baltic Network meeting @ Vilnius, Lithuania [Sep] Attended: Hallucinations conference @ Rethymno, Greece [Mar] Attended: ARTHEMOC Hallucinations colloquium @ Paris, France [Mar] Presentation: "Systematic Phenomenology of Altered Consciousness" (2008) World Psychedelic Forum symposium @ Messecenter, Basel, Switzerland 2007[Oct] Attended: Neuroinformatics workshop @ Espoo, FI[Oct] Grant: Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation [Jul] Organized: "Toward a Science of Consciousness 2007", International Conference Organizing Committee Member @ Budapest, Hungary [Jul] Poster: Noreika, V., Jylhänkangas, L., Móró L., Valli, K., & Revonsuo, A.: "Diversity of Conscious Experiences During Pure Anesthesia". Toward a Science of Consciousness conference 2007, Budapest, Hungary [May] Grant: Oskar Öflund Foundation [May] Presentation: "Altered States of Consciousness - why, what & how to research?" (2007) Post-Graduate Workshop on Cognition @ University of Turku, Finland 2006[Oct] Grant: Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation[Sep] Poster: Móró L.: "Cognitive Neuroinformatics of Altered Consciousness". Nordic-Baltic Doctoral Network in Psychology, autumn symposium @ Nelijärve, Estonia [Jun] Attended: ASSC10 conference @ Oxford, UK [Jun] Grant: Emil Aaltonen Foundation [May] Grant: Oskar Öflund Foundation [May] Presentation: "Consciousness Research with Hallucinogens" (2006) Consciousness studies program @ University of Skövde, Sweden [May] Attended: DOPSY symposium @ Tuorla, Finland [Apr] Membership: Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC) [Jan] Attended: LSD symposium @ Basel, Switzerland 2005[Nov] Poster: Milovanov, R., Tervaniemi, M., Välimäki, V., & Móró L.: "Neural and Behavioral Discrimination of Music Attributes in Children Involved in Music Specialization Program". The First European Conference on Developmental Psychology of Music @ Jyväskylä, Finland[Nov] Membership: Finnish National Doctoral Programme of Psychology (DOPSY) [Oct] Grant: Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation [Aug] Attended: Toward a Science of Consciousness conference @ Copenhagen, Denmark [May] Attended: Mind States conference @ San Francisco, CA, USA [May] Membership: Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) [May] Grant: Oskar Öflund Foundation [May] Grant: KAUTE Foundation [Mar] Presentation: "Statistical-Lexical Mapping of Dream Reports" (2005) Consciousness Research Group seminar @ University of Turku, Finland 2004[Jun] Attended: Exploring Consciousness conference @ Bath, UK[May] Attended: Nordic Network for Consciousness Studies conference @ Aarhus, Denmark [May] Attended: Consciousness symposium @ Copenhagen, Denmark 2003[Oct] Poster: Móró L.:"Cognitive Neuroinformatics: Altered States of Consciousness as Virtual Realities". 1st Nordic Workshop on Brain Imaging and Neuroinformatics @ Tampere, Finland[Sep] Membership: Nordic Network for Consciousness Studies (NNCS) [Aug] Attended: Neuroscience Finland meeting @ Helsinki, Finland [Aug] Attended: CAVE workshop @ Espoo, Finland [May] Presentation: "Cognitive Neuroinformatics Research Plans" (2003) Nordic Network for Consciousness Studies meeting @ University of Turku, Finland |
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